(1) Subject field endorsement must be in areas approved for endorsement by the Board of Public Education.
(2) Areas approved for endorsement on Class 1 and 2 licenses include the following: agriculture, art K-12, biology, business and information technology education, chemistry, communication, computer science K-12, early childhood (age 3 to grade 3), earth science, economics, elementary education (K-8), English, English as a second language K-12, family and consumer sciences, geography, health, health enhancement K-12, history, industrial technology education, journalism, library K-12, marketing, mathematics, middle grades (4-8), music K-12, physical education K-12, political science, school counseling K-12, science (broadfield), social studies (broadfield), sociology, special education P-12, theater, trades and industry, traffic education K-12, and world languages.
(3) Permissive special competencies identified on an educator license may be retained as long as the licensee continues to renew the license.
(4) To obtain an elementary (K-8), early childhood (age 3 to grade 3), or middle grades (4-8) endorsement, an applicant must provide verification of completion of an accredited teacher education program in those areas to include student teaching or supervised teaching experience.
(5) To obtain a secondary (5-12) or K-12 endorsement other than special education, the applicant must provide verification of:
(a) completion of an NCATE or CAEP accredited professional educator preparation program at the grade level(s) identified by the program, including supervised teaching experience; and
(b) for those applicants completing an educator preparation program at a regionally accredited college or university approved or accredited by a state board of education or a state agency:
(i) 30 semester credits in an approved major and 20 semester credits in an approved minor; or
(ii) 40 semester credits in an extended major.
(6) To obtain an endorsement in special education P-12, the applicant must provide verification of:
(a) a bachelor's degree; and
(b) completion of an accredited special education P-12 program which includes student teaching or supervised teaching experience.
(7) Applicant must also submit a recommendation for any endorsement requested from the appropriate official from an accredited professional educator program.
(8) Applicants who have completed accredited professional educator preparation programs outside of Montana and hold endorsements in specific disability areas (for example, early childhood special education, autism, hearing impaired) in another state may not qualify for a special education P-12 endorsement.
(9) Applicants with graduate degrees in an endorsable area may use experience instructing in relevant college or university courses as credit in that endorsement area for licensure.