(1) Organizations wishing to offer professional development activities for the award of renewal units must receive approval from the Superintendent of Public Instruction prior to offering activities. Status as a provider will be renewed July 1 of each year as long as the provider is in compliance with (2).
(2) Approved providers of professional development for the award of renewal units must:
(a) provide activities deemed appropriate for professional development of licensees in compliance with ARM 10.55.714 and 10.57.215;
(b) prepare and award completed renewal unit certificates provided by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, or an approved facsimile, to eligible participants;
(c) report the activities offered to the Superintendent of Public Instruction;
(d) be prepared to submit to an audit of records conducted by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, including:
(i) the activity title and brief description;
(ii) date(s) and location(s) of the program; and
(iii) program schedule and number of participants; and
(e) maintain records of all professional development activities for which renewal unit awards are made for one year following the date of completion of the annual reporting requirement.
(3) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall provide access to approved professional development providers and annually provide a report to the Board of Public Education, which shall include, at a minimum, a list of providers.