(1) The department will annually distribute all funds accumulated in the hunters against hunger account to a federally tax exempt nonprofit organized under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) with a mission to distribute food and provide charitable services to those in need on a statewide basis.
(2) The organization must:
(a) coordinate with other nonprofit organizations within the state to process game animals donated and distribute the processed meat to those in need;
(b) not charge more than seven percent overhead for grant processing;
(c) provide a list of meat processors responsible for processing donated game animals; and
(d) retain all carcass tags from donated game animals.
(3) Big game animals donated for processing must be legally harvested or confiscated by law enforcement. Game animals killed by a vehicle are not permitted to be processed and distributed under this program.
(4) All processed meat through the hunters against hunger program will be offered at no charge to those in need.
(5) The contract will provide annual reporting requirements and any other conditions necessary. Noncompliance with the contract will result in loss or delay of funds.