(1) The procedures for review of subdivision applications by the reviewing authority are as follows:
(a) Upon receipt of a subdivision application, the department will have 55 days to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the subdivision application, unless an environmental impact statement is required, in which case action must be taken within 120 days.
(b) If a local department or board of health has been certified as the reviewing authority pursuant to 76-4-104, MCA, the local reviewing authority shall, within 50 days after receipt of a subdivision application, review the application and forward the application to the department together with a recommended action for approval, conditional approval, or denial. The department shall take final action on the application within ten days after receiving the recommendation of the local reviewing authority, but not later than the time remaining in the 55-day or 120-day period set out in (1)(a).
(i) If the local reviewing authority recommends denial of an application, the recommendation must be in the form of a denial letter sent to the applicant within 45 days after receipt of the application. The local reviewing authority shall send a copy of the application and denial letter to the department. A denial letter issued by the local reviewing authority shall constitute the department's final action regarding the denial unless the department finds, pursuant to ARM 17.36.116, that the recommended denial was in error.
(c) If an application is incomplete, the reviewing authority shall deny the application, setting forth, in writing, the deficiencies to the applicant or the applicant's representative. If the additional information is submitted within 30 days after the date of the denial letter, the reviewing authority shall review the resubmitted application within 30 days after receipt. If the review is conducted by a local department or board of health that is certified under 76-4-104, MCA, the department shall make a final decision on the resubmitted application within ten days after the local reviewing authority completes its review. If the additional information is not submitted within 30 days after the date of the denial letter, the review time frames in (a) and (b) apply.
(2) Pursuant to 76-4-125(1)(b), MCA, for an application that is not subject to review by a local reviewing authority under 76-4-104, MCA, the department shall provide an informational written notice to the applicant, within five working days after receipt of an application, if any of the following items is not submitted with the application:
(a) the certification required by ARM 17.36.108(1)(a);
(b) if applicable, an approval from the local governing body under Title 76, chapter 3, MCA; or
(c) if applicable, public comments or summaries of public comments collected as provided in 76-3-604(7)(a), MCA.
(3) Subdivision lots recorded with sanitary restrictions prior to July 1, 1973, shall be reviewed in accordance with requirements set forth in this chapter. In cases where any requirements of this chapter would preclude the use for which each lot was originally intended, then the applicable requirements (including the absence thereof) in effect at the time such lot was recorded shall govern except that sanitary restrictions in no case shall be lifted from any such lot which cannot satisfy any of the following requirements:
(a) if a subsurface wastewater treatment system is utilized, soil conditions must provide for safe treatment and disposal of wastewater effluent; and
(b) unless a waiver is granted pursuant to ARM 17.36.601 after consultation with the local health department:
(i) if a subsurface wastewater treatment system is utilized, there must be at least four feet from the natural ground surface to a limiting layer;
(ii) the site for any subsurface wastewater treatment system may not exceed 25% in slope;
(iii) no part of the lot utilized for the subsurface wastewater treatment system components addressed in Department Circular DEQ-4, Chapter 6 may be located in a 100-year floodplain; and
(iv) the proposed water supply must comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(4) Plans for proposed subdivision facilities that will be public water supply or public sewage disposal systems must be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Title 75, chapter 6, MCA, and ARM Title 17, chapter 38, subchapter 1. In estimating the population that will be served by a proposed residential system, the reviewing authority shall multiply the number of living units by 2.5.