(1) The board is comprised of members engaged in,
affiliated with or related to law enforcement, public safety and criminal justice
in the state of Montana.
(2) The statutes
relating to the board are contained in 44-4-301, 2-15-2006, 15-25-122,
53-9-101, 7-32-303, MCA and Title 41, chapter 5, MCA (Youth Court Act) .
(3) The board
currently functions through a single executive director and planning staff.
(4) It is the
responsibility of the board to administer the provisions of the omnibus Crime
Control And Safe Streets Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-351) as amended by P.L. 91-644,
93-415, 94-430, 94-503, 96-157, 98-473, 99-570, 100-690, and 101-647, the
Victims of Crime Assistance Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act.
Under these provisions, the board may:
(a) develop a
comprehensive statewide plan defining needs and problems and outlining
priorities for the improvement of the criminal and juvenile justice system
throughout the state.
(b) develop and
coordinate police, courts and corrections programs and projects for the state
and units of general local government.
(c) be
responsible for administering planning grants in the funding and implementation
of state and local justice programs.
(5) The board's
organizational chart which follows is also a portion of this rule.
(6) Information
regarding justice planning and grant administration may be acquired by
contacting the board's office at the Scott Hart Building, 303 North Roberts,
Helena, Montana.