(1) Telepractice services may be delivered in a variety of ways, including:
(a) Asynchronous transmission:
(i) store-and-forward model/electronic transmission of stored clinical data from one location to another usually by the Internet via e-mail or fax; and
(ii) video and audio transmission through regular mail service delivery and express delivery services; and
(b) Synchronous transmission:
(i) clinician interactive model is a real time interaction between provider and patient that may occur via audio or audio/video transmission over telecommunication links such as telephone, Internet, or other methods for distance communication, including:
(A) videoconferencing;
(B) remote control software applications;
(C) computer applications;
(D) e-mail correspondence, including attachments; or
(E) self-monitoring/testing model, which refers to the patient who receives the services and provides data to the provider without a facilitator present at the site of the patient.
(2) Live versus stored data refers to the actual data transmitted during the telepractice. Live, real time, and stored clinical data may be included during the telepractice.