(1) All judicial districts will be evaluated annually by the department of corrections. The evaluation will consist of:
(a) a random review of 25% of offenders receiving services through the youth court which were funded wholly or in part by funds allocated by the department;
(b) a random review of 25% of offenders placed in state youth correctional facilities by the district;
(c) a random review of 25% of information entered into the CAPS system by the district; and
(d) interviews with random members of the youth placement committee in each district.
(2) Each district will receive a copy of the evaluation of their district.
(3) The department shall compare districts to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and shall compare participating districts with non-participating districts.
(4) The evaluation will determine whether intervention programs are effective based upon, but not limited to, the following:
(a) number of offenders served;
(b) recidivism rates;
(c) at risk population in the participating district; and
(d) proper use of evaluation tools.
(5) Each district shall prepare a summary of the use of all of the funds allocated through the department to that district by June 1 of each year to assist the department in conducting the evaluation.
(6) The department shall distribute a copy of a district's evaluation report to the department director, the evaluated district, and each member of the cost containment review panel within 45 days of the completion of an evaluation.