(1) The committee chair shall be responsible for performing the following tasks:
(a) review referral packets for completeness and compliance with department referral policy prior to convening meetings;
(b) may convene meetings within time guidelines established by ARM 20.9.110;
(c) notify all committee members of scheduled meetings;
(d) provide referral packet to all committee members;
(e) record information relating to committee deliberations for audit and oversight purposes;
(f) in the case of non-participating districts, forward primary and alternative recommendations to the department's juvenile community corrections bureau chief, as well as the county attorney, the youth's attorney and the youth court judge prior to any scheduled disposition hearing;
(g) in the case of participating districts, forward primary and alternative recommendations to the youth court judge, the county attorney, the juvenile community corrections bureau chief and the youth's attorney prior to any scheduled disposition hearing;
(h) forward a copy of the youth court or department representative's agreement or disagreement and any subsequent court orders to the department's juvenile placement unit;
(i) notify supervising case managers of placement reviews required by 41-5-122(7) , MCA; and
(j) ensure that six-month reviews are conducted for each youth in placement.
(2) Committee meetings shall provide a means for department and youth court compliance and monitoring with 41-5-2003 and 41-5-2004, MCA, through the exchange and gathering of information as directed by department policy.
(3) A second department representative may attend youth placement committee meetings if requested by the committee chair. The additional department representative shall act as a resource agent and financial specialist for the committee. This second representative shall be a non-voting member of the committee.
(4) A simple majority of appointed members constitutes a quorum. A quorum must be present to conduct a meeting.
(5) The youth court judge shall appoint all members of the youth placement committee except the juvenile parole officer. The director of the department shall appoint the juvenile parole officer and shall, when making the appointment, take into consideration:
(a) the juvenile parole officer's qualifications;
(b) the costs involved in the juvenile parole officer's attendance at youth placement committee meetings; and
(c) the location of the juvenile parole officer's home in relation to the location of the youth placement committee.
(6) A member may be reappointed to additional terms.
(7) Committee members shall serve without compensation.