(1) Community-Based Psychiatric Rehabilitation Support (CBPRS) services, defined in ARM 37.88.901(3), must be provided in accordance with this rule.
(2) CBPRS services may only be provided when the youth is receiving other mental health services.
(3) The department or its designee must prior authorize CBPRS services when provided for a youth in the 1915(i) Home and Community-Based Services state plan or the PRTF waiver during day treatment program hours.
(4) Prior authorization is not required when CBPRS services are provided on the same day as CSCT, Day Tx, or partial hospital services if it is provided before or after program hours. This includes both individual and group CBPRS. Documentation of CBPRS must include time in and time out to show that CBPRS was not provided during program hours.
(5) CBPRS is not allowable:
(a) during CSCT or partial hospital program hours;
(b) when provided by a licensed mental health professional;
(c) for the purpose of habilitation, academic instruction, recreation, vocational, or prevocational training;
(d) in a therapeutic group home, hospital, psychiatric residential treatment facility, or other residential facilities;
(e) for case planning activities such as attending meetings, completing paperwork, and other documentation requirements or travel time; and
(f) solely for the purpose of safety.
(6) The following limitations apply for CBPRS services:
(a) up to a maximum of two hours per day;
(b) up to a maximum of eight youth per group; and
(c) up to a staff ratio of four youth to one staff.