(1) Residence. The probationer/parolee shall not change his place of residence without first obtaining written permission from his supervising officer.
(2) Travel. The probationer/parolee shall not leave his assigned district without first obtaining written permission from his supervising officer. At the time of his release, the probationer/parolee will be assigned a district and provided written notification of the same.
(3) Employment and/or program. The probationer/parolee shall seek and maintain employment or maintain a program approved by the board of pardons and the supervising officer. He shall not change such employment or program without first obtaining permission from his supervising officer.
(4) Reports. The probationer/parolee is required to submit written monthly reports to his supervising officer on forms that will be provided by the bureau. He shall personally contact his probation/parole officer on the dates and times specified by the officer.
(5) Weapons. The probationer/parolee shall not own, possess or be in control of any firearm, including black powder, or deadly weapon as so defined by state or federal statute.
(6) Financial. The probationer/parolee shall always consult with his supervising officer and shall obtain permission before engaging in a business, purchasing real or personal property, or purchasing an automobile.
(7) Search of person or property. Upon reasonable cause, the probation or parole client shall submit to a search of their person, vehicle or residence by a probation/parole officer at any time without a warrant.
(8) Laws and conduct. A probationer/parolee shall comply with all municipal, county, state and federal laws and ordinances. He shall further conduct himself as a good citizen.
(9) Special conditions. The Montana board of pardons, the sentencing court, or the department of corrections and human services may require other and additional conditions to be placed upon the probationer or parolee. The conditions shall be in writing by the agency involved and shall be made a part of any agreement signed by the probationer/parolee.