(1) The following list identifies the laboratory test services available through the Montana Department of Livestock Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (MVDL), and the associated fees charged for those services.
(a) Acceptance of specimens for diagnostic testing signifies contractual agreement between MVDL and our client.
(b) All submitted specimens become the property of MVDL.
(c) Submitted specimens may be subjected to additional testing as determined by state or federal animal or foreign animal disease surveillance mandates at no additional expense to our clients.
(2) Abortion studies, livestock:
(a) histopathology and aerobic, brucella, campylobacter,
trichomonas cultures and darkfield examination $50.00
(3) Bacteriology:
(a) aerobic culture:
(i) identify one isolate $15.00
(ii) additional isolates $6.00 each
(b) anaerobic culture:
(i) one $18.00
(ii) additional $6.00
(c) antibiotic sensitivity 10.00
(d) campylobacter $12.00
(e) CEM contagious equine metritis (talorellar equengenitales) contact lab
(f) chlamydial ELISA $20.00
(g) clostridium FA $12.00
(h) dermatophyte culture and PAS $25.00
(i) direct microscopy $8.00
(j) fecal occult blood $8.00 minimum
(k) mycoplasma culture (spectation referral) $15.00
(l) nondermatophyte fungal culture $22.00
(m) salmonella enteritis (environmental samples) $18.00 each/contact lab
(n) trichomonas foetus culture (in pouch):
(i) 1 to 100 $6.00
(ii) 101 to 500 $5.50
(iii) 501 or more $5.00
(4) Clinical Pathology:
(a) clinical profiles:
(i) small animal (SA) health screen $44.00
(ii) SA clinical profile $33.00
(iii) SA pre-anesthetic profile $24.00
(iv) large animal (LA) health screen $44.00
(v) LA clinical profile $33.00
(vi) feline profile $66.00
(vii) equine fitness profile $32.00
(b) biochemistry panels:
(i) SA hepatic panel $20.00
(ii) SA renal panel $20.00
(iii) canine endocrine panel $23.00
(iv) electrolyte panel $10.00
(v) expanded electrolyte panel $15.00
(vi) feline geriatric panel $14.00
(vii) SA panel $25.00
(viii) LA panel $25.00
(c) urine evaluation:
(i) urinalysis $12.00
(ii) urinalysis with culture/sensitivity $34.00
(d) endocrinology:
(i) canine thyroid panel $28.00
(ii) thyroid panel feline & equine $24.00
(iii) canine total T4 $10.00
(iv) total T4 feline & equine $10.00
(v) canine TSH $10.00
(vi) free T4 $10.00
(vii) total T3 $10.00
(viii) cortisol studies $15.00 each
(e) other serum chemistry:
(i) bile acid $24.00 each
(ii) bile acid (pre and post) $34.00
(iii) phenobarbital $24.00
(iv) PLI pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity canine, feline $22.50
(v) individual biochemical tests contact lab
(f) hematology:
(i) SA/LA CBC with differential $15.00
(ii) SA/LA CBC without differential $6.50
(iii) reticulocyte count $6.50
(iv) hemotropic parasite screen $4.00
(v) fibrinogen $4.00
(vi) feline anemia panel $36.00
(g) cytology:
(i) solid tissue $34.00
(ii) bone marrow $40.00
(iii) fluid analysis $36.00
(iv) CSF analysis with microprotein $24.00 + plus referral
(h) miscellaneous tests:
(i) blood cross match $15.00
(ii) buffy coat exam $30.00
(iii) coagulation panel $80.00
(iv) individual coagulation test $20.00
(v) canine direct coombs $30.00
(5) Histology:
(a) routine H&E:
(i) 1 to 3 slides $34.00
(ii) 4 to 6 slides $40.00
(iii) 7 to10 slides $46.00
(iv) 11 slides or more $52.00
(b) duplicate H&E (1 to 3) $17.00
(i) each additional slide $5.00
(c) immunohistochemistry $25.00
(d) special stains $8.00
(e) special preparation $8.00 minimum
(f) decalcification/keratin $8.00
(g) bulk research slide prep staining only $3.50 per slide + $22.00/hour
(6) Milk Testing:
(a) added water $3.00
(b) antibiotic $23.00
(c) brucella ring test $2.00
(d) coliform count $5.00
(e) component $1.00
(f) gerber $3.00
(g) listeria culture (up to 3 environmental swabs) $32.00
(h) majonnier $12.50
(i) pesticide (organophosphate and carbamates) $24.00 minimum
(j) pesticide (chlorinated hydrocarbons) $210.00 minimum
(k) phosphatase $6.00
(l) somatic cell count (direct microscopy) $5.00
(m) somatic cell count (electronic) $1.00
(n) standard plate count $5.50
(o) yeast and mold $5.50
(7) Miscellaneous Tests and Special Requests:
(a) bovine IgG $15.00
(b) camelid IgG with total protein $15.00
(c) equine IgG $15.00
(d) ocular nitrate $14.00
(e) organization fee $60.00/hour
(f) duplicate test result reporting $3.00
(g) after hour fee (pathologist) up to $85.00
(h) stat fee call in advance $15.00
(i) minimum laboratory fee $8.00
(j) referral testing referral lab test fee + shipping and $8.00 handling
(8) Necropsy:
(a) cattle and horses:
(i) fetus $70.00 + carcass disposal (cd)
(ii) less than 150 lbs $85.00 + cd
(iii) 150 to 500 lbs $110.00 + cd
(iv) more than 500 lbs $150.00 + cd
(b) small ruminants:
(i) fetuses (same dam) $70.00 + cd
(ii) up to 20 lbs $70.00 + cd
(iii) more than 20 lbs $85.00 + cd
(c) swine:
(i) fetuses (same litter) $70.00 + cd
(ii) less than 25 lbs $70.00 + cd
(iii) 25 to 250 lbs $85.00 + cd
(iv) more than 250 lbs $110.00 + cd
(d) dogs and cats $110.00 + cd
(e) other species $40.00 minimum
(f) carcass disposal (incineration):
(i) companion animals $25.00 to $100.00
(ii) livestock $25.00 per 100 wt.
(g) insurance and legal cases contact lab - $150.00 per hour
(h) research contact lab
(i) spinal cord removal + necropsy fee:
(i) small animal $50.00
(ii) large animal $100.00
(j) transmissible encephalopathies:
(i) necropsies $125.00 minimum + cd
(ii) brain removal only $30.00 minimum + cd
(iii) IHC/ELISA/WB referral lab test fee + shipping and $8.00 handling
(9) Livestock Neonatal Diarrhea Studies: $95.00
(10) Parasitology:
(a) parasite or arthropod identification $27.00
(b) cryptosporidia exam $8.00 minimum
(c) dirofilaria immitis ELISA $9.00
(d) with confirmation $8.00
(e) fecal flotation $10.00
(f) giardia ELISA $28.00
(g) special parasite ID procedures contact lab
(11) PCR Testing:
(a) BVD $30.00
(b) IBR $35.00
(c) tritrichomonas foetus $27.00/sample
(i) pooled (5 samples) $50.00
(ii) retest in positive pools $27.00/sample
(d) other PCR $25.00 to $50.00
(12) Rabies:
(a) FA examination (small animal) $30.00
(b) FA examination (large animal) $55.00
(c) carcass disposal (bats or small rodents) see Necropsy Carcass Disposal
(13) Serology – large animal:
(a) anaplasmosis ELISA $7.00
(b) avian influenza AGID:
(i) less than 10 $5.50
(ii) 10 to 24 $4.75
(iii) 25 to 49 $2.75
(iv) 50 or more $1.50
(c) bluetongue AGID $6.00
(d) bluetongue ELISA:
(i) 1 to 100 $8.25
(ii) 101 to 500 $6.00
(iii) 501 or more $3.50
(e) bovine leukemia virus ELISA:
(i) 1 to 100 $6.50
(ii) 101-500 $5.50
(iii) 501 or more $3.50
(f) BRSV SN $6.50
(g) bovine virus diarrhea type I and II SN $13.00
(h) caprine progressive pneumonia:
(i) AGID $6.00
(ii) ELISA $6.00
(i) brucella abortus:
(i) card, BAPA, FP, RAP $1.50 each
(ii) CF, Rivanol, SPT, STT $2.50 each
(j) brucella ovis ELISA $7.50
(k) epizootic hemorrhagic disease AGID $10.00
(l) equine infectious anemia AGID:
(i) 1 to 15 samples $7.00 each
(ii) 16 to 50 samples $5.50 each
(iii) 51 or more $4.50 each
(m) equine infectious anemia ELISA:
(i) 1 to 15 samples $12.50
(ii) 16 to 50 samples $10.00
(iii) 51 or more $9.00
(n) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis $6.50
(o) johne's ELISA:
(i) 1 to 100 $7.50
(ii) 101 to 500 $5.50
(iii) 501 or more $3.50
(p) leptospirosis MAT 5 routine serovars: $10.00
(i) leptospirosis individual MAT $2.00 each serovar
(q) ovine progressive pneumonia:
(i) AGID $6.00
(ii) ELISA $6.00
(r) parainfluenza-3 $5.00
(s) pseudorabies gB-ELISA $5.50
(t) salmonella pullorum MAT $4.50
(u) vesicular stomatitis CF contact lab - $45.00
(v) vesicular stomatitis - NJ, IN SN $13.00
(w) west nile virus referral $50.00
(x) prices for large shipments (over 200) may be negotiated based on individual cost.
(14) Serology – small animal:
(a) brucella canis card contact lab
(b) feline infectious peritonitis ELISA $27.00
(c) feline leukemia virus ELISA $17.00
(d) feline leukemia/feline immunodeficiency virus $27.00
(15) Toxicology referral to outside contract laboratory
(16) Virology:
(a) bovine leukemia virus ELISA:
(i) 1 to 100 $6.50
(ii) 101 to 500 $5.50
(iii) 501 or more $3.50
(b) bovine virus diarrhea ELISA:
(i) 1 to 100 samples $5.00 each
(ii) 101 or more $4.00 each
(c) canine parvovirus ELISA $24.00
(d) electron microscopy $30.00
(e) fluorescent antibody testing $8.00 each
(f) leptospirosis MAT $10.00
(i) 2 serovars $2.00
(g) pseudorabies LA/bB ELISA $5.50
(h) rotavirus $25.00
(i) virus isolation $25.00/virus
(17) Miscellaneous charges/supplies:
(a) culturette (3 swabs) $3.00
(b) duplicate test reporting $2.00
(c) handling fee $8.00 + shipping
(d) kits shipping and mailing costs
(e) large shipper $18.75
(f) minimum fee $8.00
(g) out-of-state cost of test plus 50%
(h) organizational fee $60.00/hour minimum
(i) referral testing referral lab fee test + mailing and $8.00 handling
(j) special testing/referral contact laboratory
(k) shipper return shipping and mailing costs
(18) Other tests requested call ahead for prices
(19) A 1.5% monthly interest rate will be charged on accounts over 30 days. Any account 90 days delinquent will be discontinued until the entire payment is received. Extenuating fiscal circumstances will be considered upon request and requests must be approved by the Board of Livestock.