(1) Exemption of the peer review requirement will apply to:
(a) out-of-state practice units that do not have a physical location in this state, but perform attest or compilation services in this state, and have a peer review in the state in which they are located, and are otherwise qualified for practice privileges; or
(b) practice units that prepare financial statements which do not require reports under Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) 8 as codified in SSARS 19 (management use only compilation reports) and that perform no other attest or compilation services. Such engagements conducted by a firm that is otherwise required to participate in a peer review program shall be included in the selection of engagements subject to peer review.
(2) Alternative programs to the board-approved peer review program of the AICPA, administered by the Montana Society of Certified Public Accountants (MSCPA), shall include other non-AICPA programs recognized and approved by the board.