(1) A local educational agency shall establish a referral process which includes a method for collecting information to determine whether comprehensive educational evaluation is necessary and the types of evaluations warranted.
(a) The referral must include a statement of the reasons for referral, including documentation of general education interventions, and the signature of the person making the referral.
(b) Referral shall document the suspicion that the student may have a disability which adversely affects the student's educational performance to the degree which requires special education and related services.
(c) If a comprehensive educational evaluation in accordance with 34 CFR 300.531 through 300.536 is warranted, the local educational agency shall obtain consent of the parent before conducting a comprehensive educational evaluation.
(2) If, after receiving a referral, a child study team determines that a comprehensive evaluation is not necessary, the local educational agency shall notify the parent in writing of its decision, including a description of any options the local educational agency considered and the reasons why those options were rejected and a full explanation of all of the procedural safeguards available under 34 CFR 300.500 through 300.529.