(1) All courses and courses within an approved program for all ECP licensure levels must be conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the board.
(2) EMT-F or, after December 31, 2013, EMR courses shall be managed by a lead instructor. The lead instructor shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency, and management of the course. The lead instructor shall:
(a) conduct the EMT-F or, after December 31, 2013, EMR courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions and statewide protocols, policies, and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) complete the course within six months of the date the course commences; and
(d) provide at least one instructor per six students when practical skills are taught.
(3) EMT-B or, after December 31, 2013, EMT courses shall be managed by a lead instructor. The lead instructor shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency, and management of the course. The lead instructor shall:
(a) conduct the EMT-B or, after December 31, 2013, EMT courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions and statewide protocols, policies, and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) complete the course within 12 months of the date the course commences;
(d) provide at least one instructor per six students when practical skills are taught;
(e) provide a minimum of ten hours of clinical experience with an EMS or in a local patient care setting; and
(f) have a medical director involved in either the course development, presentation, or evaluation.
(4) Advanced EMT or paramedic courses shall be managed by a lead instructor under the supervision of a medical director. The medical director shall maintain overall responsibility for the quality, consistency, and management of the course. The medical director may delegate duties where appropriate. The lead instructor and medical director shall:
(a) conduct advanced EMT or paramedic courses in accordance with current board-approved USDOT curriculum, including revisions and statewide protocols, policies, and procedures;
(b) document student skill proficiency on forms prescribed and supplied by the board;
(c) provide clinical experience as specified in the approved curriculum and in accordance with this subchapter; and
(d) provide that the course is completed as follows:
(i) the advanced EMT course, within 18 months from the starting date of course; and
(ii) the paramedic course, within 24 months from the starting date of course.
(e) provide clinical experiences with no fewer than one clinical preceptor for every two students;
(f) provide a sufficient patient volume to allow students to complete all clinical experiences within the course dates;
(g) provide for the paramedic course clinical opportunities that include, but are not limited to:
(i) an emergency department with physician staffing;
(ii) intensive care or coronary care;
(iii) operating/recovery room;
(iv) pediatric care;
(v) labor/delivery room/newborn nursery;
(vi) psychiatric care;
(vii) morgue;
(viii) radiology department;
(ix) respiratory therapy department; and
(x) an EMS operating at a level equal to the paramedic level.