(1) All dentists holding permits to provide deep sedation/general anesthesia must submit evidence of having attended a minimum of 20 hours of continuing education every three years.
(2) All dentists holding permits to provide moderate sedation must submit evidence of having attended a minimum of 12 hours of continuing education every three years.
(3) The education must be in one or more of the following fields:
(a) deep sedation/general anesthesia;
(b) moderate sedation;
(c) physical evaluation;
(d) medical emergencies;
(e) monitoring and the use of monitoring equipment;
(f) pharmacology of utilized drugs; and
(g) advanced cardiac life support, up to a maximum of eight hours of continuing education.
(4) Continuing education may include presentation of lectures and/or participation courses related to subject matter(s) listed in this rule.
(a) Three credits for each 60 minutes of initial presentation will be allowed for lecture and/or participation courses.
(b) One credit for each 60 minutes will be allowed for repeat lectures from material previously presented.
(5) All anesthesia permit holders shall affirm their understanding of and compliance with continuing education requirements on the annual license renewal.
(6) Failure of licensee to produce records of required continuing education may result in disciplinary action.
(7) A random audit of licensees may be conducted in every three-year cycle.