(1) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall maintain membership in the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) and shall report information to the NASDTEC clearinghouse concerning licensure as provided herein and as required by NASDTEC membership.
(2) Upon receipt of a license surrendered pursuant to ARM 10.57.605, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall report to the NASDTEC clearinghouse that the Superintendent accepted the surrender of a license held by the educator/ specialist.
(3) As provided herein, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall report to the NASDTEC clearinghouse the denial of licensure for cause. A denial "for cause" is defined as circumstances which:
(a) resulted in a determination by the Superintendent that the applicant lacked the requisite moral and professional character; or
(b) would, in the case of a licensed Montana educator, be grounds for suspension or revocation.
(4) The Superintendent shall not report to NASDTEC under (3) until either:
(a) the period for appeal of denial as provided in ARM 10.57.607 has expired; or
(b) the Board of Public Education affirms the denial.
(5) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall report to the NASDTEC clearinghouse the suspension or revocation of a license held by an educator/ specialist licensed in Montana.
(6) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall maintain, pursuant to the superintendent's record retention policies, a record of the circumstances surrounding the surrender, denial, revocation, suspension, or reprimand involving an educator/specialist's license. The contents of that record shall be available for review by the certifying authority from any other jurisdiction in which the educator/ specialist seeks licensure.