(1) A child determined eligible to be considered for acceptance into the children's autism program will be placed on the waiting list for services through the completion of the waiting list application form. The child's application form has a number assigned to it by the program. Service opportunities for the children's autism program are awarded by means of random selection using a computer program that generates a number based on the range of numbers representing the children on the waiting list for the Developmental Disabilities Program (DDP) region of the state where the service opportunity exists.
(2) A service opportunity is awarded as it becomes available.
(3) The allocation of service opportunities is based proportionately on the population of each DDP region derived from US census data.
(4) When the child exits the waiver, the service opportunity will stay within the DDP region except as provided for in (5).
(5) In the event that unused capacity exists in a particular DDP region, an available service opportunity is allocated to the region with the lowest enrolled children per capita.