(1) Spas must meet the following circulation system requirements:
(a) A minimum of two hydraulically balanced main drains shall be provided for each pump in the suction outlet system, separated by a minimum of three feet or located on two different planes such as one on the bottom of the spa and one located on the vertical wall of the spa. These suction outlets shall be plumbed so that water is drawn through them in a hydraulically balanced manner through a common line to the pump;
(b) Spa suction outlets shall have a cover installed that has been tested and accepted by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and that complies with ASME A112.19.8-2007;
(c) At least one surface skimmer shall be installed for each one hundred fifty square feet or fraction thereof of spa water surface area. Skimmers shall be located to optimize skimming action over the surface of the spa;
(d) The number of required return inlets shall be based on a minimum of one return inlet per 300 square feet of water surface area or fraction thereof. A minimum of two recirculation inlets are required regardless of spa size;
(e) A cleanable strainer or screen shall be provided upstream of the circulation pump for all pressure filter systems to remove solids, hair, lint, or other debris;
(f) An adequately sized NSF-approved pump capable of producing a turnover of 100 percent of the spa water in 30 minutes or less, must be installed;
(g) An adequately sized NSF-approved filter capable of filtering the entire contents of the spa in no more than 30 minutes or less must be installed;
(h) A spa circulation system must include a flow indicator to measure the gallons per minute (GPM) flowing through the spa; and
(i) A spa circulation system must include a means of backwashing or draining the spa into an approved waste water disposal system.