(1) The following rules shall be posted adjacent to the spa. The wording shall be in the following language or substantially similar language:
(a) "Take a cleansing shower before using the spa";
(b) " Please do not use the spa if you have diarrhea or any disease transmittable by water";
(c) "No person under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may use the spa";
(d) "Warning - people using prescription medications and/or having the following medical conditions should consult with their physician before entering the spa: pregnancy, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or other serious medical condition";
(e) "Enter and exit the spa slowly";
(f) "Staying in a spa too long may result in dizziness, fainting, and nausea"; and
(g) "Heat stroke warning - Users limited to 15 minutes in spa".
(2) All spas must have a sign in letters not less than one inch high stating: "Children age 5 and under are not allowed in the spa".
(3) All spas must have a sign adjacent to the spa which identifies spa capacity with the following language: "Capacity of the spa is _________".
(4) The facility shall fill in the capacity of the spa as set in its license on the sign posted under (3).