(1) Water testing shall be conducted and recorded daily at the following times:
(a) before opening a public pool, spa, or other water feature;
(b) every four hours after opening; and
(c) at closing.
(2) The test taken before opening must be a manual test. If the pool, spa, or other water feature has an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) meter installed, that may be used for the other tests.
(3) Adjustments shall be made to the water treatments as needed to maintain the water chemistry within established parameters or to return water chemistry to within established parameters.
(4) The department may require more frequent water testing based on occupancy loads.
(5) The following shall be tested and recorded every time the water is tested:
(a) free chlorine;
(b) total chlorine or bromine;
(c) combined chlorine shall be determined by subtracting the free chlorine from the total chlorine reading;
(d) pH; and
(e) water temperature (if over 95º F).
(6) Total alkalinity and cyanuric acid shall be tested and recorded once every week.
(7) Calcium hardness readings shall be taken and recorded at least weekly to determine water chemical balance.
(8) Chemical balance, as determined by the saturation index, must be tested at a minimum of once per week. The department may require more frequent testing where indicated, based upon occupancy loads or test results of the pool, spa, or other water feature.
(9) Operators who use isocyanurates or stabilized chlorine products must be able to perform the alkalinity adjustments required because of the low pH and high acid concentrations in the water.
(10) Pool operators must properly dilute pool testing samples for chlorine, bromine, or cyanuric acid as needed if high levels of these are suspected, in order to be able to obtain accurate test results.
(11) Multisectional pools may be required to test in additional locations and recorded on a regular basis per the department's request.