(1) All entries to any indoor public pool, spa, or other water feature must be equipped so that they can be locked when the pool, spa, or other water feature is closed, to prevent unauthorized bathers from using the facilities.
(2) Pools or spas located in an atrium or common area with direct access by lodging or room doors or from other common areas must have a minimum four foot high, see-through barrier or fence with lockable gate which does not create a hazard.
(3) Pools or spas located in locker rooms or separated by an unsecured door during hours of use must either utilize a self-closing mechanism and latch on a door or put in place a barrier with a minimum height of four feet and a latch for the barrier on the pool side of the gate facing the pool, spa, or other water feature at least three inches from the top of the gate and may not have openings greater than one-half inch within 18 inches of the latch, or another design approved, in writing, by the department. Existing pools or spas must meet this requirement no later than December 31, 2013.