(1) "Gross earned agricultural or farm income" means all taxable income and wages, before expenses, a person or business receives from: cultivating, operating, or managing a farm for gain or profit, either as owner or tenant; operating a livestock, dairy, poultry, fish, fur-bearing animals, or horticultural commodities business; operating a feed yard for the fattening of cattle; operating a fruit or truck farm; operating an agricultural commodities business; operating a plantation, ranch, range, nursery or orchard; and sale of crop shares if the person materially participates in producing the crop.
(2) "Gross earned income" means all taxable income and wages, before expenses, a person or business earns from: services, sale of goods, working for someone, or working in a business the person owns or operates. Examples of gross earned income generally include but are not limited to: wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee pay; union strike benefits; long-term disability benefits received prior to minimum retirement age; earnings from self-employment if the person owns or operates their own business; and gross income received as a statutory employee. Examples of gross income that are not considered earned include: passive income, such as interest, dividends, and capital gains; retirement income; social security; unemployment benefits; alimony; and child support.