(1) As authorized by 18-5-202 , MCA, the department of administration (hereinafter department) hereby adopts and incorporates by reference the "State of Montana, Federal Surplus Property Plan of Operation in Compliance with 41 FR 101-44 and Public Law 94-519" (referred herein as the State Plan of Operation) promulgated by the department and filed with the general services administration of the United States government on July 1, 1977, and as revised March 19, 1984, pursuant to section 201(j) (4) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 USC 484) . The state plan of operation establishes the operating procedure and practices to be followed by the department for the fair and equitable distribution of federal surplus personal property to those units of state and local government and certain nonprofit, tax-exempt, educational and health institutions as are determined to be eligible to receive such surplus personal property under section 203(j) of the act. Copies of the state plan of operation may be obtained from the Department of Administration, General Services Division, P.O. Box 200137, Helena, Montana 59620-0137.