(1) All prescription dispensing information submitted under this subchapter shall be submitted at least weekly.
(2) The information submitted shall be consecutive and complete from the date and time of the submitting pharmacy's last submission, and shall be reported no later than eight days after the date of dispensing.
(3) If a pharmacy has dispensed no reportable controlled substances during a reporting period, the pharmacy shall submit a timely "zero report."
(4) For the purposes of establishing a data history at the initiation of the prescription drug registry, each certified pharmacy and out-of-state mail service pharmacy shall submit a one-time batch submission of controlled substances, dispensed to Montana patients from July 1, 2011 forward to the date the registry is operational.
(5) In the event that a pharmacy cannot submit the required information as described in this rule, the pharmacy must report that fact on the appropriate board-approved form. This form is due to the board on or before the date that the weekly submission is otherwise due. The board office may grant an extension, at their discretion, when a pharmacy notifies the board that they are unable to submit their report.
(6) It is the responsibility of the submitting pharmacy to address any errors or questions about information that the pharmacy has submitted to the prescription drug registry.