(1) Beginning with the 2012 renewal, every licensee shall affirm that they have completed a minimum of 13 hours of board-approved continuing education during each renewal period as defined in ARM 24.101.413. All active licensees shall affirm on all subsequent renewal applications that they have attended and successfully completed a minimum of 13 hours of board-approved continuing education in the year preceding the application for renewal. Of the 13 hours, no more than two hours can be in the subject area of philosophy and/or practice management. In addition, the board will require each licensee to demonstrate successful completion of a professional boundary and ethics continuing education course. Of the 13 hours, one hour must be obtained in professional boundaries or ethics. The board will only grant credit for a maximum of one hour in professional boundaries or ethics. New licensees to the state of Montana have from the date of their original licensure in Montana until the end of their first renewal year to complete their first 13 hours of continuing education, and shall affirm on their second renewal application that they have attended and successfully completed a minimum of 13 hours of board-approved continuing education during that period.
(2) Licensees transferring from inactive to active shall abide by the continuing education requirements outlined in ARM 24.126.701.
(3) An annual random audit of 10 percent of active licensees will be conducted to verify compliance of the continuing education requirements.
(4) Clock hours of continuing education cannot be accumulated and carried over from one renewal year to the next renewal year.
(5) It shall be necessary for those attending the Montana Chiropractic Association educational meetings to register with the secretary of the association each day of attendance to receive continuing education credit.
(6) A three-month extension will be provided for all licensees who fail to meet the continuing education requirements as a result of an audit. Failure to meet this extension may result in disciplinary action.
(7) Any licensee seeking a hardship waiver from their continuing education requirements shall apply to the board, in writing, as soon as possible after the hardship is identified and prior to the close of licensure for that year. Specific details of the hardship must be included. The board must make a finding that a hardship exists. The waiver may be absolute or conditional.