(1) Each acupuncture licensee of the Board of Medical Examiners shall earn 15 clock hours of accredited continuing acupuncture education each year. Clock hours or contact hours shall be the actual number of hours during which instruction was given.
(2) A maximum of eight clock hours may be given for the first-time preparation of a new course, in-service training workshop, or seminar which is related to the enhancement of acupuncture practice, values, skills, and knowledge; or a maximum of eight clock hours credit may be given for the preparation by the author or authors of a professional acupuncture paper published for the first time in a recognized professional journal; or given for the first time at a statewide or national professional meeting.
(3) If a licensee completes more than 15 hours of continuing education in a year, excess hours in an amount not to exceed 15 hours may be carried forward to the next year.
(4) Any licensee may apply for a hardship exemption from the continuing acupuncture education requirements of these rules by filing a statement with the board setting forth good faith reasons why he or she is unable to comply with these rules and an exemption may be granted by the board.
(5) Acupuncture applicants licensed after May 1 are required to obtain one-half of the 15-hour requirement; and those licensed after August 1, will not be required to obtain continuing education credits for renewal. Acupuncture applicants licensed between November 1 and April 30 are required to meet the 15-hour requirement.