(1) The Office of Public Instruction shall establish procedures for the development and conduct of a comprehensive system of personnel development. The procedures shall include:
(a) Analysis of state and local needs for professional development for personnel to serve students with disabilities that includes at a minimum:
(i) the number of personnel providing special education and related services;
(ii) relevant information on current and anticipated personnel vacancies and shortages including the number of individuals described in (1) (a) (i) with provisional certification; and
(iii) the extent of certification or retraining necessary to eliminate these shortages that is based, to the maximum extent possible, on existing assessments of personnel needs.
(b) An annual statewide needs assessment to be conducted before June 1 of each year to determine if:
(i) a sufficient number of qualified personnel are available in the state;
(ii) in-service and technical assistance personnel development programs are needed in specific areas related to the provision of special education and related services; and
(iii) preservice preparation of new personnel is needed.
(c) A detailed structure for personnel planning that focuses on preservice and in-service education needs and that describes procedures for:
(i) acquiring, reviewing and disseminating to general and special education teachers, paraprofessional personnel (e.g., teacher aides and instructional assistants) , administrators and related service providers significant information about promising educational practices proven effective through research or demonstration;
(ii) providing technical assistance to local educational agencies, educational cooperatives, state operated programs and private programs serving state agency placed students with disabilities; and
(iii) identifying state, local and regional resources which will assist in meeting the state's personnel preparation needs.
(2) The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall appoint a comprehensive system of personnel development council to ensure that public and private institutions of higher education and other agencies and organizations having an interest in the preparation of personnel for the education of students with disabilities have an opportunity to participate fully in the development, review and annual updating of the state comprehensive system of personnel development. The council shall:
(a) develop a long-range personnel development plan and evaluate effectiveness of state personnel training activities in meeting the plan and make recommendations for in-service, preservice and technical assistance programs on an annual basis;
(b) establish procedures to ensure collaboration and coordination of Office of Public Instruction and local educational agency efforts in the utilization of current technology and training techniques in meeting the personnel development needs and use of appropriate networks, linkages and databases; and
(c) prepare a written report on recommendations regarding personnel preparation to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the state special education advisory panel.