(1) In order to be licensed to perform microbiological analyses, a laboratory must meet the standards contained in this rule.
(2) Individual analysts must be approved by the state as meeting the standards of this rule in order to perform microbiological analysis of drinking water samples.
(3) Analysts in training must be supervised by an experienced analyst who meets all of the requirements of this rule.
(4) Supervising analysts must verify all results of testing performed by analysts in training and co-sign those results.
(5) A laboratory must meet all of the qualifications and conditions set forth in chapter V of the EPA laboratory certification manual.
(a) Analysts must have a minimum of two days of training at the environmental laboratory with a successful evaluation from the state training personnel. Documentation of independent certification or prior experience and training as approved by the department may be substituted for this training.
(6) The department adopts and incorporates by reference chapter V of the EPA laboratory certification manual (EPA 815-R-05-004, "Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water", January 2005), which establishes qualifications for staff training and experience and conditions for
approval of laboratories conducting microbiological analyses of public drinking water. A copy of the above chapter V may be obtained from the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Laboratory Services Bureau, 1400 Broadway, Cogswell Building, P.O. Box 4369, Helena, MT 59604-4369, or may be downloaded at the EPA web site: www.epa.gov/safewatermethods/pdfs/manual_labcertification.pdf.