(1) Well completions which include hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, or other chemical stimulation done to complete a well are considered permitted activities under the drilling permit for that well only if the processes, anticipated volumes, and types of materials planned for use are expressly described in the permit application for that well.
(2) For wildcat or exploratory wells or when the operator is unable to determine that hydraulic fracturing, acidizing, or other chemical treatment will be done to complete the well, the operator must submit a notice of intent to stimulate or chemically treat a well on Form No. 2 prior to commencing such activities provided that:
(a) the written information describing the fracturing, acidizing, or other chemical treatment must be provided to the board's staff at least 48 hours before commencement of well stimulation activities.
(3) For the purpose of this section, an adequate description of the proposed well stimulation includes:
(a) the estimated total volume of treatment to be used;
(b) the trade name or generic name of the principle components or chemicals;
(c) the estimated amount or volume of the principle components such as viscosifiers, acids, or gelling agents;
(d) the estimated weight or volume of inert substances such as proppants and other substances injected to aid in well cleanup, either for each stage of a multistage job or for the total job; and
(e) the maximum anticipated treating pressure or a written description of the well construction specifications which demonstrate that the well is appropriately constructed for the proposed fracture stimulation.
(4) In lieu of a well specific design the owner, operator, or service company may provide:
(i) a copy of a final design of well treatment actually used for similar wells and which reflects the likely design for the well to be permitted; or
(ii) a prefiled generic design submitted for specific geologic formations, geographic areas, or well types likely to be used in a particular well.