(1) The alternative livestock cervid herd shall be assigned a monitored herd status by the department at the conclusion of each year of mandatory CWD surveillance as follows:
(a) "CWD monitored, status unknown" is the status of a herd prior to completion of the initial year of surveillance or the status of a herd that fails to meet the mandatory surveillance requirements in ARM 32.4.1302.
(b) The "CWD monitored herd status," levels I through V are designations that correspond with the number of years of completed surveillance with no confirmation of CWD in the herd.
(i) Level I is the status of a herd after completion of one year of required surveillance.
(ii) Level II is the status of a herd after completion of two years of required surveillance.
(iii) Level III is the status of a herd after completion of three years of required surveillance.
(iv) Level IV is the status of a herd after completion of four years of required surveillance.
(v) Level V is the status of a herd after completion of five or more years of required surveillance.
(c) "CWD monitored, status pending" is the status of a herd that has been identified as a CWD affected, exposed, or trace herd.