(1) All sires must not have been used for natural service while the semen is being collected and certified for artificial insemination.
(2) Bovine semen may not be transported into Montana for the purpose of artificial insemination and bovine semen may not be used for artificial insemination unless it originates from bulls whose health status conforms to the requirements that follow:
(a) an annual permit is obtained from the Montana state veterinarian for an individual animal; or
(b) an annual blanket permit is obtained from the Montana state veterinarian (at his or her discretion) for semen from bulls in a designated stud. The bulls must be permanent residents of the bull stud, and a licensed accredited veterinarian must certify that the testing is being done. A permanent resident is a bull that has passed all testing requirements and is qualified to remain in the stud as long as it meets the biannual requirements.
(i) All bulls must be interpreted to be free of tuberculosis by the state disease regulatory officials on the basis of an official tuberculosis test within 60 days prior to the first collection of semen destined for use in artificial insemination, and annually thereafter.
(ii) All bulls must be interpreted to be free of brucellosis by the state regulatory officials on the basis of official test conducted by a state federal laboratory within 60 days prior to the first collection of semen destined for use in artificial insemination, and be interpreted to be brucellosis free by the state regulatory officials on the basis of an official test as recognized by the Code of Federal Regulations each six months thereafter. Bulls permanently residing at a bull stud in a class free area may (at the state veterinarian's discretion) be exempt from the brucellosis testing.
(iii) All bulls must pass three negative examinations for three consecutive weeks for trichomonas fetus following the last natural service performed and within 60 days prior to the first collection of semen destined for artificial insemination, and one negative examination each six months thereafter. The inpouch method (or equivalent method as determined by the state veterinarian) must have been used. If the inpouch or equivalent was not used then six negative tests for six consecutive weeks are required.
(iv) All bulls must pass two approved negative blood tests 30 days apart, or the titer shall be shown to be stabilized if present, for leptospirosis within 60 days prior to the first collection of semen destined for use in artificial insemination, and each six months thereafter.
(v) All bulls must be negative to bovine virus diarrhea (BVD) using culture of the blood serum, or semen. If the culture is positive then isolate and reculture in 21 days. If the culture is negative, reculture in 14 days; if still negative the bull may be returned to the bull stud and semen may be collected 30 days later.
(vi) Permits will not be granted for semen from sires showing evidence of infection with paratuberculosis, Bluetongue disease, or Bovine leukosis.
(3) Bovine semen destined for use in artificial insemination in Montana must be treated using a recognized procedure and recognized chemotherapeutic agents to prevent transmission of Campylobacter fetus and other pathogenic microorganisms. Those recognized at this time are:
(a) semen treated to achieve a final concentration of 50 micrograms tylosin, 250 micrograms gentamicin, and 150/300 micrograms linco spectrin per milliliter of frozen semen as described by Lorton and Shin to the National Association of Animal Breeders (NAAB), 1986, (Lorton, 1986; Shin, 1986; 11 NAAB Technical Conference, 1986), or
(b) semen treated in accordance with the procedures and chemotherapeutic agents recognized as acceptable by the United States Animal Health Association and the National Association of Animal Breeders.
(4) All tests must be conducted according to specifications adopted by the United States Animal Health Association and approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the official order dated the 26th day of September 1990 by the Board of Livestock recognizing certified semen service (CSS) health standards as equal to Montana requirements will be continued.
(5) All tests must be reported on the uniform certificate recommended by the United States Animal Health Association on page 170, 1962 proceedings of the United States Animal Health Association, or other form subsequently approved by the United States Animal Health Association, in applying for the annual permit to transport bovine semen into Montana to be used in artificial insemination.
(6) Porcine semen from all boars used for the production of semen for artificial insemination must meet the following requirements:
(a) a negative Tuberculosis test yearly;
(b) test negative to Brucellosis, Leptospirosis (low stabilized titre O.K.), and PRRS every six months;
(c) test negative to Pseudorabies every three months;
(d) an approved antibiotic must be added to the semen.
(7) Elk semen from all elk, used for the production of semen in artificial insemination, must test negative to:
(a) Tuberculosis annually using an approved elk Tuberculosis test;
(b) Brucellosis, and Leptospirosis (low stabilized titre O.K.) every six months; and
(c) must be certified free of red deer genes.
(8) Ovine semen from all ovine, used for the production of semen in artificial insemination, must test negative to Brucella ovis every six months.