(1) The service provider must ensure client record content includes:
(a) demographic information;
(b) a substance related disorder diagnosis and supporting documentation for diagnosis;
(c) biopsychosocial assessment including diagnosis showing the rationale for admission;
(d) documentation the client was informed of federal confidentiality requirements and received a copy of the client notice;
(e) assurance all clients have an orientation to the program's treatment services, infectious disease information, and disaster plan;
(f) voluntary consent to treatment signed and dated by the client or legal guardian;
(g) treatment plan;
(h) progress notes;
(i) discharge summary;
(j) medication records, if applicable;
(k) laboratory reports, if applicable;
(l) properly completed authorizations for release of information;
(m) copies of all correspondence related to the client, including any court orders and reports of noncompliance; and
(n) documentation showing client received a copy of client grievance policies and procedures.