(1) The following documentation must be included in the recruitment and selection process:
(a) job information;
(b) screening information; and
(c) applicant information.
(2) For the purposes of this subchapter, "job information" means:
(a) a description of the current duties of the job;
(b) a copy of the vacancy announcement;
(c) a copy of newspaper or journal advertising, if any, and a list of all recruitment sources used; and
(d) a copy of Internet posting, if any.
(3) For the purposes of this subchapter, "screening information" means:
(a) a copy of all selection procedures and any criteria used to evaluate qualifications such as suggested responses and rating scales; and
(b) the names and titles of any persons who participated in the design or administration of the selection procedures.
(4) For the purposes of this subchapter, "applicant information" means:
(a) all applications, supplement question responses, scoring, reference checks, and any other application materials received;
(b) records or other information necessary for the applicant flow survey; and
(c) correspondence with applicants.
(5) The items listed in this rule must be maintained for a period of time consistent with the employee record keeping policy, MOM Policy 3-0110, revised June 12, 1992. This policy is incorporated by reference and available from the State Personnel Division, Department of Administration, Room 130 Mitchell Building, 125 Roberts Street, P.O. Box 200127, Helena, MT 59620-0127, telephone (406) 444-3871, or on the State Personnel Division web site: http://hr.mt.gov/HRServices/policiesguides.asp.