(1) Owners and operators of UST systems shall ensure that repairs will prevent releases due to structural failure or corrosion for as long as the UST system is used to store regulated substances. Owners and operators shall receive a permit from the department prior to making any repair of an UST system.
(2) Tanks not meeting the design or construction standards of the applicable code of practice in (4) may not be repaired and must be closed in accordance with ARM 17.56.702.
(3) Repairs must meet the following requirements:
(a) repairs to UST systems must be conducted in accordance with all applicable state, federal, and local laws and regulations and the applicable code of practice in (4). If there is a conflict in the referenced codes, the more stringent and protective code applies;
(b) tanks must be repaired according to the manufacturer's recommendation and under the supervision on site of a manufacturer's authorized representative or the tank manufacturer shall certify that the repaired tank meets the manufacturer's design standards;
(c) the tank manufacturer shall re-warranty the repaired tank for ten years or the remainder of the original warranty period, whichever is longer;
(d) the department may require excavation of the tank to be repaired so that the outer wall of the tank may be inspected and tested for defects;
(e) metal pipe sections and fittings that are damaged or have released product as a result of corrosion or other damage must be replaced. Fiberglass pipes and fittings must be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications or be replaced;
(f) upon completion of the repair and before the UST system is placed in service, the following tests must be performed:
(i) repaired tanks and piping must be tightness tested in accordance with ARM 17.56.407(1)(c) and 17.56.408(1)(b); and
(ii) corrosion protection systems circuitry must be tested to ensure it is still functioning;
(g) within six months following the repair of any cathodically protected UST system, the cathodic protection system must be tested in accordance with ARM 17.56.302(1)(b) and (c) to ensure that it is operating properly; and
(h) UST system owners and operators must maintain records of each repair for the remaining operating life of the UST system that demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this rule.
(4) The department adopts and incorporates by reference the version in effect on July 1, 2006, of the following standards or specifications:
(a) Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1316, "Standard for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products," which sets forth requirements for the manufacture and installation of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic underground storage tanks for petroleum products, a copy of which may be obtained from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709;
(b) Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1746, "Corrosion Protection Systems for Underground Storage Tanks," which sets forth requirements for corrosion protection systems for underground storage tanks, a copy of which may be obtained from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709;
(c) American Society of Testing and Materials Standard D4021, "Standard Specification for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polyester Underground Petroleum Storage Tanks," which sets forth design standards for FRP UST tanks, a copy of which may be obtained from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017;
(d) Steel Tank Institute, "Specification for STI-P3 System of External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks," which sets forth design and installation standards of cathodically protected steel underground storage tanks, a copy of which may be obtained from Steel Tank Institute, 570 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, (800) 438-8265; and
(e) Steel Tank Institute ACT-100, "Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks," which sets forth a minimum consensus standard for the fabrication, installation, and repair of FRP clad/composite tanks, a copy of which may be obtained from the Steel Tank Institute, 570 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, (800) 438-8265.