(1) General essential standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) Materials are purchased to ensure a steady flow of materials for the public;
(b) The library catalogs and organizes its collection according to standard cataloging and classification systems and procedures. Automated records comply with the machine-readable catalog (MARC) format; and
(c) The library offers interlibrary loan and follows the Montana state interlibrary loan protocols.
(2) General enhanced standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library uses an online interlibrary loan system; and
(b) The library has an automated system for circulation, cataloging, and public access catalogs that has reporting features and supports MARC records.
(3) General excellent standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library collection is available online; and
(b) The library, if appropriate, has joined a shared integrated library system, also known as a shared catalog.