(1) General essential standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library board provides continuing education for the director and staff members by allocating funds to support continuing education costs, including travel expense and salary;
(b) Paid staff persons are present during 90 percent of all open hours;
(c) The board must adopt and review a personnel policy every three years;
(d) The library maintains written, up-to-date job descriptions; and
(e) All libraries must have internet access for staff.
(2) General enhanced standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) Volunteer programs have written policies, procedures, and job descriptions;
(b) Every staff member attends at least one continuing education eligible training program per year;
(c) Appropriate library staff have e-mail accounts available for communication and professional development;
(d) There is at least one personal computer for staff use only; and
(e) Staff receives in-house training or are encouraged to attend workshops.
(3) General excellent standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) Regardless of population, total library staff is not less than one full-time employee;
(b) The library board encourages and supports staff involvement in community organizations and activities; and
(c) Employees have access to health insurance and retirement through the public library.