(1) A person desiring to take the examination for certification as a water supply or wastewater treatment system operator must complete the department’s application form and return it to the department at least 30 days before the date of the examination. The proper fee, as determined under ARM 17.40.212, must accompany the application. Upon department approval, the applicant may take the examination.
(2) An annual application fee, based on the state fiscal year, is required for each application for water certification and each application for wastewater certification. Examination fees are required for each examination taken.
(3) An operator certified under one classification by examination and another under ARM 17.40.203(1) will receive one certificate showing both certifications, with that classification held under ARM 17.40.203(1) noted by "(g.c.)."
(4) Except as provided in (4)(a), all classes of examinations will be given by department staff or by a council member at a time and place set by the department.
(a) Class 4 and Class 5 water supply system examinations, Class 3 and 4 nonindustrial wastewater treatment examinations, and Class 4 industrial wastewater treatment examinations, may be given by department staff or a council member at a time and place set by the person administering the examination.
(5) Each person submitting an application and application fee for certification that meet department requirements will be sent a notice of the time and place of the examination.
(6) Special examinations may be held if the examination date and place regularly set by the council conflicts with special circumstances of the applicant. To request a special examination, the applicant may petition the department by letter requesting the examination and citing the special circumstances as justification. If the department allows a special examination, it shall set a time and place that, in its discretion, are appropriate to address the needs of the applicant.
(7) Examinations will not be returned to examinees, but will be on file for one year at the department. A failing examination will be kept two years.
(8) An operator holding a temporary certificate who fails the examination two times loses the temporary certificate upon notice from the department of the second failure. However, the operator may take the examination whenever it is given by re-applying in conformance with department requirements.
(9) The department shall provide a duplicate original certificate, to the person certified only, upon payment of a $10 fee.