(1) A student at the advanced level in communication arts demonstrates superior performance. He/she demonstrates highly developed knowledge and skills that reflect a coherent understanding of the subject. He/she can transfer learning to other situations, can apply knowledge to question, reason, and solve problems, and employs metacognitive skills.
(a) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills under communication arts speaking and listening content standard 1 by:
(i) understanding components of the communication process;
(ii) using elements of effective speaking;
(iii) using elements of effective listening;
(iv) selecting topics and organizing information;
(v) adapting to audience, setting, and purpose;
(vi) using feedback to self-monitor;
(vii) listening and responding to cultural stories; and
(viii) displaying respect in speaking and listening.
(b) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills under communication arts reading standard 2 by:
(i) decoding words;
(ii) developing vocabulary;
(iii) reading sight words;
(iv) using strategies to self-correct;
(v) making connections to text;
(vi) making predictions;
(vii) generating and answering questions;
(viii) explaining a series of events;
(ix) identifying main ideas and supporting details;
(x) making inferences;
(xi) identifying and using text features;
(xii) comparing and contrasting information;
(xiii) identifying cause and effect;
(xiv) recognizing the author's purpose, point of view, and language; and
(xv) setting goals.
(c) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills under communication arts literature standard 3 by:
(i) identifying literary elements;
(ii) explaining language use and literary devices;
(iii) identifying characteristics of genre;
(iv) identifying culture and history;
(v) comparing personal experiences with literature; and
(vi) justifying personal responses to literature.
(d) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills under communication arts media literacy standard 4 by:
(i) recognizing techniques and purposes used in media messages;
(ii) identifying sources of media messages;
(iii) identifying fact, fiction, and opinion in media messages;
(iv) recognizing proper use and creation of media messages;
(v) recognizing guidelines for using and creating media messages;
(vi) recognizing consequences when using and creating media messages;
(vii) creating media messages; and
(viii) recognizing that media embeds values and influences.
(e) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills under communication arts writing standard 5 by:
(i) identifying and using steps of the writing process;
(ii) selecting a topic and generating a topic sentence;
(iii) developing the main idea;
(iv) organizing writing;
(v) identifying language choice and its impact;
(vi) identifying and practicing conventions;
(vii) identifying purpose, audience, and format;
(viii) identifying writing forms and genres;
(ix) maintaining focus of topic in writing;
(x) using information problem solving process;
(xi) using information legally;
(xii) setting goals for writing; and
(xiii) recognizing and using writing to think and reflect.