(1) By August 8, 2010, the owner or operator of an UST system that has a valid operating permit or that is required to have an operating permit under ARM 17.56.308 shall have trained Class A, B, and C operators for the system. The operators must be trained in accordance with ARM 17.56.1503. Each Class A, B, or C operator shall be responsible for his or her applicable operation, maintenance, and emergency response activities, even when the operator is not present at the facility.
(2) After August 8, 2010, a trained Class A or B operator of an UST system may be replaced by an untrained operator if, within 30 days after assuming operation responsibilities, the new operator receives training in accordance with ARM 17.56.1503. Class C operators must be trained before assuming their responsibilities.
(3) One person may hold all or any combination of the Class A, B, or C operator positions simultaneously, if he or she has the appropriate training.
(4) If the department determines that an UST system does not meet EPA's significant operational compliance (SOC) requirements for release prevention and release detection measures, the appropriate operators, as determined by the department, must be retrained. Retraining must include the subjects in which the UST system was found to be not in significant compliance. Retraining must occur within 90 days after the department's determination that an UST system does not meet EPA's SOC requirements for release prevention and release detection measures, or within a longer time frame established by the department in writing, on a case-by-case basis. For purposes of this chapter, the department adopts and incorporates by reference the EPA SOC requirements dated March 2005. Copies of the documents incorporated by reference may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901.