(1) A fourth-grade student at the advanced level in mathematics demonstrates superior performance. He/she gives responses that exhibit advanced understanding of the problem or situation presented. The student consistently demonstrates advanced conceptualization and makes connections within and between the mathematical and real world. The student is able to apply more than one process, use multiple representations, and determine solutions accurately. Reasoning and structure of responses are clearly communicated and justified.
(a) The student demonstrates these abilities under content standard 1 in the areas of:
(i) whole number relationships;
(ii) estimation and operations;
(iii) whole number concepts;
(iv) common fractions and decimals; and
(v) length, time, and temperature.
(b) The student demonstrates these abilities under content standard 2 in the areas of:
(i) representing data;
(ii) evaluating data; and
(iii) likelihood of events.
(c) The student demonstrates these abilities under content standard 3 in the areas of:
(i) two-dimensional attributes;
(ii) three-dimensional attributes;
(iii) basic transformations;
(iv) linear measurement; and
(v) area and perimeter.
(d) The student demonstrates these abilities under content standard 4 in the areas of:
(i) patterns and relations;
(ii) symbols and expressions;
(iii) properties of number and operation;
(iv) equivalent expressions; and
(v) numerical modeling with manipulatives.