(1) Directional signs are allowed at intersecting roadways that enter into the main travel way, and may only be erected along the federal-aid primary highway system. Each directional sign is not to exceed 4' x 8'.
(2) In cases where operations do not abut the highway, but have access via a nonpublic access road across other ownerships, directional signs may be located along this roadway leading to the operation. The message content on directional and ranch signs shall be limited to the identification of the attraction or activity and directional information useful to the traveler in locating the activity, such as mileage, route numbers, or exit numbers. Descriptive words or phrases, and pictorial or photographic representations further describing the activity or its environs are prohibited.
(3) Not more than one ranch sign or directional sign may be erected which is visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction on any highway and advertising activities being conducted upon the real property, including ranching, grazing, and farming activities.
(4) The signs shall not:
(a) be erected or maintained within the highway right-of-way;
(b) be erected or maintained if they exceed 32 square feet in area, including border and trim, but excluding base or apron, supports and other structural members; or
(c) exceed 12 feet in length.
(5) The maximum height of the sign structure, including the sign face, is 30 feet measured at a right angle from the surface of the roadway at the centerline of the primary highway.
(6) A permit must be obtained for each sign accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee as set forth in ARM 18.6.211. The renewal fee for the ranch and rural directional signs required by ARM 18.6.211 is waived.