(1) The format for filing an effective financing statement lien is as follows:
(a) font size on all documents must be at least a 10 point normal (not condensed) font;
(b) all forms must be typewritten (handwritten forms will be rejected); and
(c) all forms must be printed on 8 1/2" by 11" paper.
(2) Effective financing statement lien filings must be filed on the following forms or they will be rejected:
(a) Montana's effective financing statement;
(b) Montana's effective financing statement amendment;
(c) Montana's effective financing statement addendum; or
(d) Montana's effective financing statement amendment addendum.
(3) The forms listed in (2), as they existed on August 29, 2003, are incorporated by reference and are available at www.sos.mt.gov.
(4) The following minimum required information must be included on all effective financing statements or they will be rejected:
(a) crop year, unless every crop of the farm product in question for the duration of the effective financing statement is to be subject to the particular security interest;
(b) specific farm product name (e.g., wheat, barley, hay, cattle, horses, hogs);
(c) each county in the state where the farm product is produced or will be produced;
(d) name and address of each person (debtor) subjecting the farm product to the security interest;
(e) signed, authorized, or otherwise authenticated by the debtor;
(f) social security number or, if other than a natural person, Internal Revenue Service taxpayer identification number of each such person;
(g) further details of the farm product subject to the security interest if needed to distinguish it from other such product owned by the same person or persons, but not subject to the particular security interest;
(h) secured party name and address; and
(i) signed, authorized, or otherwise authenticated by the secured party.
(5) An amendment to an effective financing statement is required when a change would render the farm bill master list entry no longer informative as to what is subject to the security interest in question. The effective financing statement amendment form must be used and must include:
(a) an amendment including terminations that must be signed, authorized, or otherwise authenticated by the secured party;
(b) an amendment modifying the debtor and/or collateral information that must be signed, authorized, or otherwise authenticated by the debtor;
(i) An amendment that is a continuation statement does not require the signature of the debtor.
(c) an original filing number on file with the Secretary of State's office;
(d) only one filing number per form;
(e) only one amendment per form is permitted;
(f) the name of a debtor currently reflected on the Secretary of State's records for the original filing number being amended; and
(g) the name of a secured party currently reflected on the Secretary of State's records for the original filing number being amended.