(1) For the purposes of ARM 23.13.302, 23.13.304, and 23.13.401, the following definitions apply:
(a) "field training" is instruction, training, or skill practice rendered to an officer by another officer or officers on a tutorial basis during a tour of duty while performing the normal activities of that officer's employment;
(b) "in-service training" is training provided within a law enforcement and/or public safety agency that is utilized to review and develop skills and knowledge, and is primarily unique to specific agency needs;
(c) "POST approved training" is training reviewed and approved by the council and includes, but may not be limited to basic, regional, and professional courses; and
(d) "roll call training" is instruction or training of short duration, less than two hours, within any law enforcement and/or any public safety agency, conducted when officers change shifts.
(2) The council is responsible for the approval of all public safety officer training programs:
(a) It shall be the responsibility of the sponsoring agency to follow the required reporting procedures and monitor the standards for training, trainee attendance, and performance as set by the council; and
(b) Attendance records, where applicable tests and test scores for all POST approved training courses shall be retained by the council.
(3) The course requirements for POST approved training include:
(a) meeting the requirements contained in (2), the requirements for trainee attendance and performance, and the instructor requirements;
(b) being based upon generally recognized best practice;
(c) comporting with Montana laws and court decisions; and
(d) being at least two hours or more in length.
(4) Approval requirements for training courses presented or sponsored by public safety agencies are:
(a) any public safety agency requesting approval of the training course must meet the accreditation requirements as mandated by POST prior to the commencement of a training course; and
(b) each course must be advertised and open to all public safety agencies.