(1) Control of the gray wolf includes a variety of nonlethal management activities intended to decrease risk of, prevent, or resolve a conflict without killing the wolf in question. Allowable nonlethal control activities include, but are not limited to:
(a) husbandry practices including, but not limited to, electric fencing, increased human presence, fladry, herding or guarding animals, night pens, shed lambing, carcass removal, alternative pastures, amended pasture or grazing rotations, or supplemental feed;
(b) placement of a radio collar to facilitate increased monitoring of the pack;
(c) opportunistic hazing in a noninjurious manner;
(d) intentional harassment;
(e) department discouraging wolves from denning in a particular location;
(f) carcass removal or electric fencing of bone yards (e.g., localized livestock disposal sites which attract a variety of scavengers); and
(g) working with interested individual livestock owners and private landowners, watershed groups, interested groups, state and federal land managing agencies, USDA Wildlife Services, and the Montana Livestock Loss Reduction and Mitigation Board and its coordinator to provide technical assistance and to assist with selection and implementation of proactive nonlethal controls on both public and private lands when and where livestock are present, either seasonally or yearlong. Examples include: allotment management or annual operating plans; Wildlife Management Area or other state land grazing leases; and, predator deterrent programs offered through the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource and Conservation Service Environmental Quality Incentive Program.
(2) The department will also work with others to better understand the effectiveness of nonlethal activities to prevent or decrease the likelihood of wolf-livestock conflicts.
(3) This rule will be applied on the date the gray wolf in Montana is no longer subject to federal jurisdiction under the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531, et seq., and the department and commission have sole jurisdiction over the management of the gray wolf in Montana.