This is an obsolete version of the rule. Please click on the rule number to view the current version.


(1)�Every person shall submit a geothermal exploration plan on April 1, 1975, and each year thereafter.

(2)�Two copies along with an electronic copy acceptable to the department of the geothermal exploration plan shall be submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901.

(3)�The geothermal exploration plan shall be typed, printed, or otherwise legibly reproduced on 8�" x 11" paper.�Maps, drawings, charts, or other documents bound in a geothermal exploration plan shall be cut or folded to 8�" x 11" size.�Maps, drawings, or charts may accompany a geothermal exploration plan as separate exhibits.

(4)�Typed or offset material shall have a 1�" margin on the binding side and a 1" margin on all other sides.

(5)�All pages in a geothermal exploration plan shall be consecutively numbered.�Maps, drawings, or charts accompanying the geothermal exploration plan as exhibits shall be identified as "Exhibit ��" and, if comprising more than one sheet, shall be numbered "sheet __ of __."

(6)�Within each geothermal exploration plan shall be included:

(a)�any plans to gather geological data by boring of test holes or other underground exploration, investigation, or experimentation, related to possible future development of geothermal resources;

(b)�the approximate dates for gathering geological and hydrogeological data by boring of test holes or other underground exploration, investigation, or experimentation, related to possible future development of geothermal resources shall be listed;

(c)�a statement of the proposed activities to be conducted and the methods utilized;

(d)�the general location, a description of the area involved, and the size and type of all drill holes, bore holes, or wells to be drilled, instruments, and all other equipment used.

(7)�Any change in plans which would result in some action prior to the filing of the next geothermal exploration plan shall be reported to the department within 60 days.

History: 75-20-1001, MCA; IMP, 75-20-1001, MCA; NEW, Eff. 10/5/74; TRANS, from DNRC, 1996 MAR p. 2863; AMD, 2005 MAR p. 252, Eff. 2/11/05.

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