This is an obsolete version of the rule. Please click on the rule number to view the current version.


(1)�One-boat outfitters may apply on an annual basis for up to 60 temporary client days on the Beaverhead River.

(2)�The department shall allocate available temporary client days to one-boat outfitters based on the applicant�s experience outfitting or guiding on the Beaverhead River and the number of years the applicant has been a licensed outfitter or guide in Montana.

(3)�When allocating temporary client days, the department shall give preference to applicants who were allocated temporary client days on the Beaverhead River the previous year.

(4)�One-boat outfitters may use their assigned temporary client days the entire year with no more than two-thirds of the use occurring during the restricted period from July 1 through August 31.�

(5)�After a one-boat outfitter has used temporary client days for three consecutive years, the number of temporary client days that the one-boat outfitter may apply for in the following year must not exceed the highest number of temporary client days used by that one-boat outfitter in one of the previous three years.

(6)�After a one-boat outfitter has used temporary client days for five consecutive years, the department may remove these temporary client days from the pool and allocate them to that one-boat outfitter for his or her use.�These client days are then no longer considered temporary client days.

(7)�In addition to temporary client days, one-boat outfitters may use non-pool client days that are transferred to them as part of the sale of transfer of an outfitter�s business in its entirety.�They must remain a one-boat outfitter, however, in order to apply for or retain the use of temporary client days.�The transfer of those outfitting businesses that these rules regulate on the Beaverhead River are governed by 37‑47‑310, MCA.

History: 87-1-301, 87-1-303, MCA; IMP, 87-1-303, MCA; NEW 2005 MAR p. 917, Eff. 6/17/05.

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