(1) The department shall provide reciprocal certification for contractors, supervisors, and workers trained and certified in another state when the standards and training of the other state are substantially similar to those of this subchapter.
(2) An applicant for reciprocity shall submit to the department:
(a) a completed application form for the type of certification being requested;
(b) documentation of specialized training for CML decontamination;
(c) evidence of successful completion of HAZWOPER training including initial 40-hour HAZWOPER and current eight-hour HAZWOPER refresher, conducted pursuant to 29 CFR 1910.120;
(d) the fee prescribed in ARM 17.74.518; and
(e) for supervisor reciprocal certification only, evidence of successful completion of HAZWOPER supervisor training, conducted pursuant to 29 CFR 1910.120.
(3) Prior to certificate approval, the department may require the applicant to:
(a) submit additional information;
(b) successfully complete a refresher course; or
(c) pass a department-administered examination.