(1) If there is a blood spill or exposure to other body fluids during a service, licensees and students shall stop the service and:
(a) before returning to service, clean the wound with an antiseptic solution;
(b) cover the wound with a sterile bandage;
(c) if the wound is on a licensee's or student's hand in an area that can be covered by a glove or finger cover, the licensee or student shall wear a clean, fluid-proof protective glove or finger cover. If the wound is on the client, the licensee or student providing service to the client shall wear gloves on both hands;
(d) blood-stained tissue, cotton, or other blood-contaminated material shall be placed in a sealed plastic bag and that plastic bag shall be placed into another plastic bag (double bagged), labeled with a red or orange biohazard warning, and discarded;
(e) all implements, instruments, supplies, and equipment that have come in contact with blood or other body fluids shall be disinfected per ARM 24.121.1514; and
(f) electrical equipment shall be disinfected in the same manner as nonimmersible equipment and metal implements per ARM 24.121.1511.
(2) The blood spill procedure must be posted in all salons, shops, and schools. A copy of the blood spill procedure is available at the board offices, 301 South Park Avenue, P.O. Box 200513, Helena, MT 59620-0513.