(1) Eligibility of a youth for the program is determined by the department in accordance with the criteria in this rule.
(2) Placement opportunities in the program are limited. A youth who meets the criteria for eligibility in the program may not be allowed to enroll in the program. There is no entitlement to enrollment in the program. In accordance with this rule the department determines whether a youth who meets the eligibility criteria may be enrolled in the program.
(3) A youth is eligible to be considered for enrollment in the program if:
(a) the youth is age six through 16, up to the 17th birthday;
(b) the youth is Medicaid eligible;
(c) the youth requires the level of care, as determined through the certificate of need process, for a psychiatric residential treatment facility in accordance with ARM 37.88.1116;
(d) the youth will not be concurrent with enrollment in the program residing in a hospital or a psychiatric residential treatment facility;
(e) the youth has mental health and related supportive services needs that can be met through the program;
(f) the youth meets the clinical criteria of serious emotional disturbance as defined at ARM 37.86.3702;
(g) the youth's parent(s) or other responsible caregiver having physical custody is committed to supporting and facilitating the youth's participation in the program;
(h) the youth resides in a service area as specified in ARM 37.87.1303;
(i) the youth is not otherwise receiving Medicaid funded case management services; and
(j) the youth is not receiving services through another Medicaid funded home and community program.