(1) A third party administrator must have a written procedure, approved in writing by the department before implementation, for resolution of grievances or complaints brought by enrollees or their parents or guardians either individually or as a class. In a situation requiring urgent care or emergency care, the department may require the third party administrator to expedite resolution of a grievance within a time line established by the department.
(2) Except when CHIP eligibility has been denied, an enrollee, parent, or guardian must exhaust the third party administrator's grievance procedure before appeal of the matter may be made to the department.
(3) An applicant, parent, or guardian aggrieved by a denial, suspension, or termination of CHIP eligibility or an enrollee, parent, or guardian aggrieved by a final grievance decision of a third party administrator, including but not limited to a reduction or denial of benefits, may request a fair hearing in accordance with ARM 37.5.304, 37.5.313, 37.5.322, 37.5.325, 37.5.328, 37.5.334, and 37.5.337.
(4) If a written request for hearing is not received by the department within 90 days after the date a notice of adverse action is mailed by the department or a final grievance decision is mailed by a third party administrator, the hearing officer may deny a hearing as provided in ARM 37.5.313.
(5) A proposal for decision by the hearing officer is a final agency decision for purposes of 2-4-702, MCA and is subject to judicial review as provided in Title 2, chapter 4, part 7, MCA.